Saturday, March 16, 2013

Foot massage at home. Self-massage of the feet

Foot massage. The benefits of self-massage foot

Foot massage is a useful and effective way to relieve stress and fatigue after a long, hard day. Massage improves blood circulation and eases aching pain caused by long standing, sitting and passive stance for a long time.
Massage is a good way to treat the disease, stress and overall body strengthening. There are a variety of massage techniques that are used around the world for various body parts.Those who stand all day at work, or spend on your feet a long time, definitely benefit immensely from a foot massage. The massage thighs or legs you feel not only relaxing and fun, but toniziruete body, squeezing the muscles, making them resilient and strong. During the session, improves blood circulation in the body, which is also useful for preventing stagnation of blood in the vessels, and even struggle with stroke.

How to do a foot massage at home

Here are some tips on how to do a foot massage at home .
- You must be promassirovat one leg, then switch to the other
- the men begin to massage the feet with his left foot, the women - from the right
- before the massage in a comfortable starting position for that sit on the floor, on a mat, or you can sit on a low chair ,
- in order to begin the massage, heat and mash with a hand rubbing his hands against each other.

How to massage your feet. Sequencing

All movements are performed with a foot massage to the heart.
1. Begin with a foot massage massage the toes and ankles
2. Then make a calf massage
3. Massage knee and lower thigh
4. Massage thighs and upper legs
Treat yourself to foot massage at home is quite convenient and efficient, but a must - it is your great feeling! Make sure that you know your body so well that an independent intervention and selection of the desired pressure or depression, is permissible for the body massage in your home.
If you feel uncomfortable, and the massage does not bring satisfaction, and in some parts of the body even feel discomfort, consult a doctor, and if he has a written submission, the massage will have to cancel or contact an experienced masseur.
At full health, and the absence of comments the doctor, you can do yourself and a deep foot massage , it will help fight the stagnation of blood in the capillaries, cause the blood to circulate through the body more active and better delivery of oxygen to all organs.

Home exercises for the legs

Exercises for legs

Consider a set of exercises for the legs , which can serve not only to strengthen and exercise the leg muscles, but also to fix various defects. Ie You can perform these exercises for slimming legs, slimming down and the inflation down. This versatile set will help to relax and stretch the muscles of short, thick legs lose weight and become thin desired relief.
You do not need a lot of space, enough to spread out the rug in any convenient location apartment. So, let's start:

Home exercises for the legs

For best results, perform an exercise for the legs should be regularly and sometimes several times a day (during the morning exercises and evening). The pace is not fast, measured for increasing the load on leg muscles. At the first stage, each exercise is sufficient to carry out 5 - 6 times a month can increase the number of repetitions to 10 - 15 times.
1. Lie on your back, arms at your sides or behind your back. With voltage pull legs while pulling the toes and fingers spread wide legs. Exercise should be repeated straining and stretching his legs one by one, then two legs at once. After relax and lie still.
2. Starting position is the same (on the back, arms along the body or behind your back.) Firmly press your feet to the floor, then relax them (with knees slightly bent). Again press the feet.Porastirayte foot, sliding them across the floor. Bend and unbend his legs, as if taking the mat with the toes.
3. Lying on his back, spread his arms, palms facing the floor, legs straight. Slowly, creating a imaginary resistance, pull socks from herself, then at himself.
 Leg exercises
Repeat the same motion, only slightly raised straight legs.
 Home exercises for the legs
Finally, put one leg over the other, rubbing the top of his foot on the bottom, a little while bending your knees. Do the same thing, but changing the feet.
 Exercises for the leg muscles
4. Lying on your back, bend your arms at the elbows. Then lean on your elbows and head, make a deflection and stretch. Return to the starting position and relax for a moment.
 Exercise for weight loss legs
5. Continue to lie on his back, put his hands behind his head, legs straight and elevated at an angle of 45 °. Pull the toes and stay in that position nekolko seconds (5-10). Lower the legs. Then, slowly, bending legs, pull them to the stomach and straighten them again, pulling socks.
 Leg exercises
Lift slightly (see Fig.), Hold the body for 5 seconds, slowly lie down on the mat.
 Exercise for shapely legs
6. Lying on his stomach, arms pull forward. Both at the same lift straight legs and a few seconds slowly put them on the floor.
Leg exercises.  Photo
His hands behind his head, lift your torso and legs, bending at the waist. Hold the position for 5 seconds.
Exercises for legs
7. Walk on all fours, with your knees to slide on the mat. Walking again, only this time straightening the body and hands on the belt (see Fig.). At the end, stretch, lift your hands up, breathing calm.
Exercises to strengthen legs
8. Perform walking on his toes on the ground, then running in place on your toes, and then walk around on the ground. Then repeat, only this time on a full stop. Try to go down on the foot gently, as much as possible splayed toes.
9. Stand in the doorway, hands on doorsteps as possible. Put your feet at shoulder width. Stretching, body rotates left and right. Head and feet try not to turn. Standing on tiptoe, repeat, just lift your hands higher. After finishing the exercise, walk, waving, wind calm.
* The following five home leg exercises allow for the curvature of the legs - O-, X-shaped or straight legs: If you have O-shaped legs, the force (voltage) must apply to the reduction of the feet and easy divorce. If you have X-shaped legs, it is necessary to stress (ie, straining) spreads his legs to the side and to connect them with relaxation. For straight leg effort evenly connection and breeding.
10 . Lie on your back. If you have O-shaped legs, and easily pull them apart. Then, with an effort to connect. If you have X-shaped legs, it is necessary to stress (ie, straining) diluted straight legs to the side and not force them to join. For straight leg effort evenly shift and breeding.
11 . Lying on your back, cross your feet. Keep the knees and spread them apart without opening stop. Do not forget to apply the appropriate curvature of the leg strain when moving the legs.
12 . Take a starting position - lying on his back, legs parted slightly wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees. Now connect and plant knees apart. Then repeat the exercise with the combined legs. Then, do the same exercise, but as much as possible with his legs apart. Again, do not forget about the force applied to correct the curvature.
13 . Lying on your back, bend your legs. Make an easy self-massage of thighs. To do this easily pat, pat, shake again and pat the thighs.
Exercise for shapely legs
Rest against the foot to the knee of one leg the other leg (see Fig.), Made a similar self-massage one leg and then the other leg alternately.
Exercises for the legs pumping
Lower legs, lift your hands up and lie down quietly, breathe.
14 . Sit on a mat. Somknite and open the knees, holding their hand movements. The same thing happened with the legs extended. The curvature of the legs, if any.
15 . Starting position is the same. Sliding feet on the mat, reduces and spreads them. Repeat, do not slip, and is moving the heel-to-toe.
16 . Stand up straight. Rearranging turn heel and toes, with legs apart. Repeat the exercise, trying to slide the feet on the floor.
17 . Stand on one leg and bend the other knee and, holding his leg, high lift. Operate the foot - then lifting it over and falling pulling sock. Rotate the foot to the right, to the left. Simultaneously stroking hands shin. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
 Leg exercises
18 . A similar exercise: Stand on one leg and the other leg raised bend and unbend the fingers, then rastopyrivaya them apart, then collecting a "fist."
19 . Get on your knees, put his hands on his belt. His feet, reduces and spreads his knees.
 Home exercises for the legs
20 . Finish the home leg exercises to walking on the ground, light jogging, then walking.

Effective exercises for legs

Effective exercises for legs

Perfect feet in 8 minutes a day

Asian models have perfect legs with five points of convergence and divergence of four points - this is the standard of beautiful legs . What are the effective leg exercises they perform? It turns out that the complex is not so difficult and you need every day to spend only about 8 minutes to get beautiful legs. Just do not give up and continue the exercise until you reach your goal.

Exercises for thighs. Effective exercises for legs

Getting rid of excess fat on the thighs , perform 10 seconds
1. Lie on your side and stretch your legs.
2. Lift the lower leg hold it so for 10 seconds.
3. Change direction and do the same with the other leg.
Note: If one leg is more difficult to raise than the other, hold it for 5-10 seconds longer to develop the same muscles of both legs.
Effective exercises for legs
The development of muscle tension (10 seconds in a day)
1. Stand erect, looking forward, straighten the shoulders, chest, lift and hold his stomach. Try to relax all the muscles in your body.
2. Bend the leg back, as shown below, hold the corresponding hand. Feel the stretch the leg muscles. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Note - If one leg is bent more difficult than the other, hold it for longer than 5-10 seconds.
Effective exercises for the legs.  Practising hip

Exercises for the calf muscles. Effective exercises for legs

Calf muscle training (day 5 seconds)
1. Take a book, thickness of 4-5 cm, and stand on it, as shown in the picture below.
2. Put your feet close together and go up on your toes.
Try to hold the pose for 5 seconds.
Note - Try to stretch the calf muscles when balancing.
Gastrocnemius muscle relaxation (10 seconds in a day)
1. Sit up straight, as in the picture, look forward.
2. Keep one foot in his hands and slowly lift it up. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then switch legs.
Note - Make sure you put your feet close together and bend your legs or back during training .

The curvature of the leg exercises. Effective exercises for legs

Correction of O-legs (do 5 times a day for 3 seconds)
1. Stand up straight, round feet, as shown in the picture below.
2. Keep your knees together and hold your position for 3 seconds.
Correction of X-shaped legs (5 times a day, 3 seconds each time)
1. Stand up straight. Then a little sit down - knees together, as in the picture below.
2. Spread the knees and hold this position for 3 seconds.
Note - Make sure that you do not bend your back when exercising.
O-and X-shaped curvature of the leg exercises

Correction of the legs. Effective exercises for legs

To do the exercise for 5 seconds, 3 times a day.
1. Sit down, as in the picture, hands completely off the floor.
2. Slowly straighten your legs, keeping the palms on the floor. Fix the position for 5 seconds, until your legs are straight.
You can increase the distance between your hands and feet, if your feet can not quite straighten. Now hold the position for 5 seconds.
Note - Make sure that your knees straight and pressed together.
Effective exercises for the legs.  The curvature of the leg exercises
As you can see, these quite effective exercises for the legs will not take you long. But you'll have perfect feet in 8 minutes a day.

Perfect legs

Beautiful female legs

Women's desire to have a beautiful and perfect legs appear as soon as she forgets about everyday routine and tends to plunge into the ocean recreation. This especially happens in the spring and summer, when the warm air is inspiring and exciting awakening of nature.
Looking to the wardrobe, do not want to wear a pair of jeans and pants, which in the heat of disgust. Better to get it out of the closet and comfortable favorite linen shorts or short skirts. But replacing wardrobe opens up many problems, and one of the most famous - how to make beautiful legs , and how to turn flabby cellulite beauty toned muscles?
Immediately emphasize that the classical ideal leg does not exist, as there is no ideal at all. And for every pair of legs always find a lover, for which it is your "hodulki" will be perfect. But this does not mean that she is not to strive for. Pernicious doctrine still derived a formula perfect legs, the ladies did not relax. Here's what the researchers say women's feet:

Perfect female legs, the parameters

Perfect legs OptionsBeautiful leg length should be not less than half the growth. ideal leg length is 51-55% of the body, depending on the boned:
- the general bones - 51-53% or plus 2-4 cm to half growth
- normal bone -52 54% or plus 4-6 cm to half growth
- for fine-boned women - 53-55% or plus 6-9 cm to half growth
Hips and ankles should also be in harmony. With the growth of 161-167 cm hips and ankles should be approximately 56 cm and 34 cm, respectively, with the growth of 168-174 cm - 57 cm and 35 cm, 175-180 cm - 58 cm and 37 cm
Perfectly shaped legs are considered, if you can visually from the top of the thigh through the middle of the knee to the ankle and a straight line (see figure).
But his legs would not be ideal if they even, like a stick. There should be a slight curvature, which has its own rules - five points of convergence of the legs (Figure A ), and a four-point difference (Figure O )

How to make your feet beautiful

Mistakenly think that women can not be fast enough to achieve shapely legs. This is not as difficult as it may seem. With a little persistence and perseverance, she will quickly have a strong, slender, beautiful legs . You will get great satisfaction in wearing short dresses or skirts that will dominate your wardrobe.
To make perfect feet need
1. perform a variety of exercises for the legs , for example:
effective exercises for the legs (8 minutes per day) ;
home exercises for the legs  :
3. special food
4. to get rid of blisters, pain and sweating apply different foot bath

Five taboo on the way to beautiful legs

Taboo 1 : You can not sit on one side of the thigh, placing his feet in the other direction, to sit with legs wide apart, or cross-legged. taboo 2 : stand on one foot, or stand with your legs crossed. Taboo 3 : Always sleep on your stomach or on your side. Taboo 4 : a long walk on high heels too taboo 5 : always wear a bag on the same shoulder.

Proper shoes

Proper shoes

Damage shoes

Initially shoes were invented to protect feet. But this great discovery eventually acquired additional functions, such as decorating the legs, the index status of the owner and the like. Now, most of the shoes has a negative impact on human health. Actual was a question, what is the right shoes ?
To figure out what is the harm of shoes , consider what features shoes harm feet.

Tough shoes. Harm

In the sole of the foot are the fatty tissue, the function of which is to reduce the pressure when we walk or run. These fats are found in an enclosed section, so it can not get out.
When we go, the pressure of the weight is divided evenly and harmoniously throughout the adipose tissue, as if the waves that roll from the front to the back of the foot. These "rolls" and flexible movement difficult enough when the leg stiff shoes .
Therefore, do not use the muscle and connective tissue lead to their reduction, thereby reducing the bulge of the foot and can develop flat feet .

Narrow shoes. Shoes are not in size. Harm

Foot injuries begins early, especially in children. In two thirds of schoolchildren foot problems caused in the wrong choice of footwear.
More than 80% of children wear shoes smaller than it should be.
Let's better shoes will be a little bigger, bought for growth. At this critical age it is important that the foot was a place to grow!

Damage heels, high heels

High heels , to put it mildly, not good for a woman's health, and sometimes provide frank harm.
Constant wearing of high heels is to shift the center of gravity forward. Effect - will contract the calf muscles, and impaired blood circulation in the thigh.
In addition leg under constant deformation, which may lead to changes in the arch of the foot.
Women who love high heels, usually affects the disease, known as valgus deformity of the foot .
Valgus deformity of the foot - a change in the structure of feet, where the bones of the toes deviate outward. This causes inflammation, pain, aesthetic violations. Most can be treated by surgical intervention.
Valgus deformity of the foot
Besides, wearing high heels, leads to incorrect pressure on the lumbar spine, the thinning of the intervertebral discs, which affects the spinal cord and can lead to pain.

How to choose the right shoes

Tips on how to choose the right shoes

  • Wear elegant high-heeled shoes only on solemn or festive occasions
  • To purchase a daily weekday comfortable shoes
  • During the day, making some delay to take off your shoes, relax and allow the leg to expand to its normal size.
  • Pay attention to the sole. It should be soft and flexible (if buying check for bending)
  • The best material - is the skin. Skin firm, supple when worn (assuming the shape of your foot) and provides air circulation.
  • Most likely, the age you have to buy the shoes large sizes, so that the tissue of the foot are not as strong as at a young age, so that the soles of the feet are getting bigger.


    To avoid the negative effects of footwear, it is useful to go barefoot.
    Walking barefoot stimulates muscles, sensors and nerve endings. It is very important to strengthen the soles of the feet, raise the arch of the foot. Do not forget also the beneficial effect on the legs of other stimulation - air temperature, either hot and cold water. This also leads to the strengthening of the immune system.
    Now Europe has become very fashionable to go barefoot. You can find a crowd of people promoting this beneficial effect.

    Exercises for flat

    Exercises for flat

    How to treat flatfoot

    Treat flatfoot best exercises. They need to perform barefoot, no shoes is not necessary. To really get rid of flat feet you need 4-6 months of daily practice.

    Set of exercises. Get rid of flat feet

    1st exercise for flat - the opening stop. This exercise can be done first, sitting on a chair, behind that it must perform standing, holding on to the back. If it is difficult, it is possible to sit down a little bit. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Then expand the foot, trying to place them in a straight line - first connect the heel, then socks. Perform so at least 10 times.
    2nd exercise for flat - setting a stop at the edge. He was also first performed sitting in a chair, and then standing on the floor. Try to put a foot on the outside of the foot, on the inside. And so up to 10 times.
    3rd exercise for flat - the rotation stops. In a comfortable position in a chair, place your heels on the floor shoulder width apart. Rotates feet first into one side or the other. The same holds standing, holding his hands behind his chair. Repeat 10 times.
    4th Exercise for flat - rise on the outer arch of the foot. Sit in a chair, put his feet on the outside of the sole. In this position, stop, stand on his feet. Repeat the exercise, but from a position sitting on the floor, and you can help yourself by hand. Perform 10 times.
    5th exercise for flat - rise on the heels and toes. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel to each other. Slowly follow ups on their heels, and then on their toes, each with 10. Then follow the same movement, but only on one leg, then - on the other. All 10 times.
    6th exercise for flat - ups on the heels and toes with one line. First, place the feet in line with your heels together, toes apart. Perform 10 times Calf and heels. Repeat, changing position - toes together, heels apart. Difficult exercise, because grasp the back of the chair.
    7th exercise for flat - low lunges. Stand erect. Lunge foot forward. Then you need to change the pivot foot, turning 180 °. Try to keep your back straight. Perform 10 times.
    8th exercise for flat - walking on the spot. Exercise is carried out at a fast pace. Socks do not come off the floor, feet slightly inward looking, with legs bent at the knees. Hip when the need as much rock in hand - right and left. Breast keep proudly, shoulders do not move. Perform 20-40 seconds. Even this exercise is called " Ballet Step "
    9th exercise for flat - lifting legs. The exercise is performed while sitting in a chair. To alternately lift each leg as high as possible. When lifting the leg to keep the record straight, and when picked up, stretching out his toe or heel. Perform 10 times.
    10th exercise for flat - the simultaneous lifting of both feet. Exercise as before, only to immediately raise both legs. Just need to keep your legs straight, and just pull the toe or heel. Repeat 10 times.
    11th exercise for flat - Alternating walking on heels, the toes, on the inner side of the foot, on the outer side of the foot. Do 30 - 50 steps.
    12th exercise for flat - goose-step. Perform steps poluprisyade while dragging his feet to the floor.

    Exercises with a stick for flat

    Get rid of flat good help exercises with a stick . We need every round stick diameter of 3 cm and a length of 1.5 meters.
    The first exercise - riding stick legs. Need to stick to roll on the floor, first with each leg separately, sitting in a chair or standing on the floor. Then, with both feet simultaneously. The exercise is performed for 5-10 minutes;
    The second exercise with a stick - walking across the stick. The stick is in the middle of the foot, across it. Follow the step over to the side stick moves from one end to the other. This exercise helps to treat cross-flat ;

    Prevention of flat

    Prevention of flat

    Prevention of flat

    Prevention of flat should be done throughout life, starting with birth and ending with advanced age.
    All babies are born with flat feet. This is due to the fact that the baby does not feel foot load. Later, when the child begins to walk you need to follow to form a right arch . To achieve this, we need to prescribe prevention flat feet in children .
    Why prevention of adult flatfoot ? With age, the flat may develop due to prolonged wearing the wrong shoes (or too tight shoes, or very high heels). Most often formed flat and curved toes in sensitive periods of life. This is the age when a child begins to walk, a time of intense growth , the years of puberty, during pregnancy. This may also include time of menopause and old age in both women and men. It is necessary to make sure that did not develop flat feet deformity of the toes. Therefore prevention of flatfoot is important at any age.
    As a precaution, flat feet can perform various exercises, designed for the treatment of flat feet , and to prevent it, to do foot massage , walk barefoot on various uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, broken ground, grass, etc.

    Exercises for prevention of flat

    This set of exercises for the prevention of flat to be performed in a sitting position, feet placed on the floor so that they are bent at right angles, hands down - this is the starting position.When the average rate, breathing free.
    This set of exercises can be used not only for the prevention of flat feet , but also the treatment of flatfoot .
    1. 10 - 20 times to raise and lower socks feet.
    2. To raise and lower your heels. Complete 10 - 20 times.
    3. Legs together. 10 - 20-fold diluted and reduced toes. Foot from the floor tear.
    4. The starting position is the same. 10 - 20 times to dissolve and reduce heel, without lifting the feet from the floor.
    5. Simultaneously lift the toes of the left foot and the heel of the right foot, then vice versa. In a fast pace to repeat 10-20 times.
    6. From the same starting position, keeping your feet on the floor, toes, and then dilute the heel, and thus move the legs for 6-8 "small steps", then return to starting position. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is slow. Breathing free.
    7. Put a foot gymnastic or any other stick diameter of 5 - 8 cm (you can use the bottle). Roll the foot on a stick about one - two minutes. Try to keep your feet firmly to stick. Rate average. Breathing free.
    8. Arch of the foot put on a gymnastic stick, connect with feet together. Divorce and the arch of the foot, trying to keep with the arch of the stick. The average rate of repeat 10 - 20 times.
    9. Starting position - the same, but under the soles of the feet, place a rubber ball. The average rate of Roll the ball from socks to foot in one minute. Laminating the ball, try to keep your feet firmly to the ball.
    10. Put the foot on the floor. Bend your fingers and without taking the floor, move the heel forward. Thus, the "creep" of accounts 8.6 feet, and then return to the starting position, making the reverse movement, bending the fingers and pushing the heel. To do the exercise at a moderate pace. Breathe freely.
    11. While in the initial position (ie, sitting up straight, feet on the floor, bent at a right angle) bend the toes and follow the steps in place on the outer arch of the foot - 20-30 seconds and straighten your fingers and "campaign" on the heels of 15 seconds, then on his toes - 15 seconds to complete the foot - 30 seconds. Perform while sitting on a chair at a slow pace with free breathing.
    12. Sitting in the home position, place your right foot on the left knee up. The average rate of follow circular motion right foot clockwise, then counter-clockwise for 10 times in each direction. Repeat the same with the left foot.
    13. Stand with your hands lower. Fold the toes and walk as 30 seconds without straightening the fingers, walk on the outside of the foot - 30 seconds on the heels - 30 seconds on the socks - 30 seconds and the full stop - 30 seconds. Rate average. Breathing free.



    Flat feet

    Flat feet - is the omission of a set of foot caused by the weakening of the muscles, which leads to violations, which can cause excessive pressure on the foot, changing its shape (deformation), and can eventually lead to pain.

    The structure of the foot

    To understand the causes of flat feet , consider the structure of the foot .
    Did you know that the sole of the foot contains more nerves than even a person? Thousands of nerves - our sensors on the soles of the feet, which can feel even the smallest grain of sand lodged in the shoe.
    The human foot consists of nearly 30 bones, 30 joints, 60 muscles, over 100 ligaments, and more than 200 vessels. All this comes in a very complex interconnected structure.
    Foot can be divided into three parts: the front, middle and rear. The bones of the foot are arranged in such a way that forms a kind of trehstvodchatuyu foot arch. The meaning of this is that the weight is evenly distributed over the whole foot, providing a comfortable walking because arches serve as shock absorbers, springy motion.

    Types of flatfoot. Longitudinal and transverse arches

    Distinguish these types of flat as flat longitudinal and transverse arches . If at any "arch" is a decline caused by the weakening of the muscles, the rest of the load is transferred to the other points, which are beginning to feel pressure, it leads to deformity of the foot, and to a certain type of flatfoot.
    Types of flatfoot
    Transverse arches Longitudinal arches
    Clearly seen in the figures, as usual healthy foot is different from foot with flat feet. A normal foot has lift, so you should not completely touching the surface when a person stands. This form, as described above, gives softness and movement of the legs even distribution of body weight. So on a print of his foot can define it well with your foot or it contains violations and to take treatment of flatfoot .
    Transverse arches - this is when the forefoot sprawling, and this is one of the reasons why bending the toes. Very often the big toe deviates towards the little finger, and at its base there is "bump" (bone thickening), which delivers pain owner. In transverse flatfoot can be deformed and the other fingers.
    Longitudinal flat - is the lack of internal longitudinal instep, because of this foot is completely on the inner edge, while leaning outwards. As a result of impaired function of springing foot, and it is precisely because of this function, the human body does not feel when walking aftershocks and tremors.

    Causes of flat feet

    Causes of flat feet may be different:
    - overweight
    - a genetic predisposition for flat feet,
    - leg structure, see Figure,
    Left - straight legs and a normal stop,
    in the middle - the legs in the form of X;
    right leg O-shape.
    Abnormalities in the structure of the foot to cause various forms of foot deformities
    - A job that requires standing for a long time
    - long walking barefoot on the floor with a hard smooth surface,
    - and the main reason is the wrong choice of footwear .

    Exercises for posture

    Exercises for posture

    Exercises for the formation of posture

    Correct posture will also help to light exercise. Do not give in to laziness! If urgently corrected and do exercises for posture, you can, in a short time, boasts a beautiful statement of the back along with dancers and models. Complex exercises for posture based on flowing movements, which uses stretching and fixed postures. They are so simple that they can perform at home. This complex will learn to control the position of the body, stretch and straighten the spinal discs.
    1 exercise for the formation of posture can relieve stress and stretch the cervical spine: Tuck your chin as close to the chest, reduce blade closer to each other. Fix this position for a few seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
    2 exercise for posture develops shoulder muscles, thereby facilitating their ability to keep the neck straight: Keep your back in an upright position, make circles arms as if you are floating crawl. Make up to 20 times.
    3 exercise for the formation of posture : Standing upright, arms down, lightly take them from the body. Reach the crown as much as possible up, if you are going to reach the ceiling. Chin with leave little lowered. Then relax and repeat two more times
    4 exercises to form posture helps to stretch the spine and remove the usual stress curvature: a leisurely follow leaned forward, trying to clasp hands ankles or get to his feet. secure position for a few seconds, you can slightly popruzhinit. Exercise to be performed in the morning and evening.
    5 exercises to correct posture . This exercise is to perform better, sitting sideways in the mirror to monitor the correct position of the back. On his knees, sit on your heels. Put your hands or knees or near the knees, straighten your back. So soak for 3-4 minutes. Need to perform this exercise two times a day and back muscles gradually remember this position as correct.

    Beautiful posture - correct posture

    Beautiful posture - correct posture

    Formation of correct posture

    Good posture - it is not only the beauty but also the absence of back pain and cervical spine. Beautiful posture makes people proud and confident look.
    Try the following simple way to help you see how correct posture improves the appearance of:
    - Stand up straight (you can stand in front of a mirror), pull the crown to the sky as high as possible, without looking up,
    - shoulders back and down, spread,
    - breast lift up;
    - pull your stomach (even though he himself will be involved after the previous procedures);
    - ottopyrte ass (men can not do :))
    And now look at you. We noticed that you even look different? You have to look proud and happy life. Remember this location, now in any place, you can easily adjust your posture.

    How to correct posture

    • Press and correct posture .
    Ironically, but for good posture is not only in the back - or rather, back muscles, and abdominal muscles. That abdominal muscles and lower abdominal form correct posture and help to keep your back flat. Because the press is the foundation of a beautiful posture and work on it should start with a drill press . You can perform even complex exercises for all muscle groups of the abdomen and under any circumstances, try to draw the stomach muscles and keep a light tension. When the abdominal muscles tense, they lead the lower spine in the correct position.
    • To develop the correct posture to sit properly .
    Very often we are sitting, raising his shoulders and plunging them in the neck and head, hump back. This creates unnecessary load on the cervical spine and leads to a constant overpotential and, as a result - to deformation.Do not sit on a stool, because the lack of support for the back provokes a desire to relax and slouched.
    • Swimming to create a beautiful posture .
    Swimming - the best way to control your body. Swim to the back, while the neck is relaxed, even horizontal position, with all the work the back muscles, because they help you keep your balance in the water. This is the most useful type of navigation for the formation of a correct posture . At the same time, there is no over-voltage and can swim at your own pace, the speed in this case is not necessary. To simultaneously strengthen and shoulder muscles, and abdominal muscles, alternate backstroke and active swimming freestyle.

    Exercises from slouching

    Exercises from slouching

    Correction stoop with exercise

    How to remove the stoop ?
    First, you need to watch your posture. Good posture makes people proud and confident appearance relieves back pain and stoop.
    Secondly, to remove stoop to take drastic measures and immediate. This will help The following effective exercise of the stoop . The earlier the start, the more effective the result. Pull is impossible, because the spine can develop physiological changes called - scoliosis.

    Exercise against the stoop

    If you have developed a stoop, a set of exercises to be performed over several months to achieve the desired result.
    1. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of about one step away from her. Lean your back against the wall and bent over his head with his hands. While the count from 1 to 4, breathe and flexes forward. And to the 5 - 8 exhale, return to starting position. Exercise against slouching is slow 6 - 8 times.
    2. It is necessary to face the wall, again, a distance of one step in front of you and lean straight arms. Assuming 1 - 4, breathe in and flexes to get chest wall. Go back to the starting position at the expense of 5 - 8, making exhalation. Do the exercise slowly 6 - 8 times.
    3. Starting position - lying on his stomach in front of a chair, arms extended at your sides with palms down. During inhalation, at the expense of 1-2, to lift the torso and flick straight hand over hand gripped the edge of the chair. On the count of 3-4, making breathing out, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the stoop of 6 - 8 times.
    4. On his knees, sit on your heels, pulling socks, put his hands behind his head - is the starting position. With the score once or twice, to rise from the heels, breathing in and dissolve in hand straight arms, palms up, you will need to submit strong pelvis forward. When the score was three or four, on the exhale, return to starting position. Perform this exercise 10 - 20 times.
    5. For this exercise, we will need to stick gymnastics. Starting position - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart to place, stick to keep lowered hands. On the inhale, with the score 1-2, lean forward with your back straight and lift with straight arms as high as possible. On the count 3-4, exhale, bend your back and give up. On the count of 5-6 - a breath, and take the position that it was at the expense of 1-2. On the count of 7-8 - exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 - 6 times.
    6. Get on all fours, resting on the straight arms. On the inhale, counting from 1 to 4, bend, with direct lift your left leg and pull your head. On the count of 5 - 8, as you exhale, return to starting position. Do exercise eight times, changing feet.
    7. Starting position - to stand behind the chair at a distance of stride straight arms and lean back. When you inhale, on the 1 - 4, lean forward, hands do not bend, pull back his head. On the count of 5 - 8 (expiration) to its original position. After a few days of training, try to perform this exercise to correct stoop quickly springs back when the slope. Perform 10 - 12 times in a row.
    8. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, put a stick through the top gymnasts on the blades. At the expense of one or two, breathing in, rotate the torso to the right, on the count of three, four, exhale and return to the starting position. The same thing happened the other way. Exercise should be performed slowly, with 5 - 6 times in each direction.