Exercise for weight loss
Exercise to lose weight at home
Given a set of exercises for weight loss is simple and you can use these exercises to lose weight at home because it is easy to perform in the limited space of the room. The impact of exercise aimed at weight reduction. At the same time, these home exercises for weight loss are designed to provide and the overall impact on the body. But first, be sure to perform stretching exercises. They razogreyut muscles and help you lose weight more effectively.
Stretching exercises
Run in place, trying to hit at every turn heel on the buttock. It is advisable to observe the following respiratory rhythm: three accounts - a breath, for one - exhale. Perform a first run at least a few seconds, gradually increasing the run. It is believed that such a run for five minutes to replace the running distance of 5 kilometers.
Complex exercise for weight loss
1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, arms raised above his head. Lean forward, touching the toe of his right hand left foot - an exhalation. Return to starting position - breath. The same with the left hand.
2. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, hands on his belt. The circular movement of the trunk to the right and left sides.
During tilt forward - exhale, bending back - breath.
10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
During tilt forward - exhale, bending back - breath.
10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
3. Sharply lift up his hands above his head straight - breath. Lower your arms down while dramatically lift the right leg - exhale. The same with the other leg. Repeat 20 times.
4. Stand up straight, hands on his belt. Squat on their toes, knees apart, arms out - exhale. Returning to the starting position - breath. Repeat 10 times.
5. Lie on your back, hands behind his head. Lift straight legs - exhale, lower - breath. Repeat 10 times.
6. Stand up, raise your arms up, bending the body back - breath. Sharp bend forward, hands touching the floor - exhale. Repeat this exercise 15 times.
7. Sitting on a stool or a strong bench, toes fix-ups, cave and lean back with arms outstretched behind your head - breath. Coming back, hands in front of chest - exhale. Repeat 10 times.
8. Lying on your back, take down a circular motion, simulating cycling. Breath freely.
Perform 20 - 25 times.
Perform 20 - 25 times.
9. Palms lean on the chair seat or floor, trunk and legs - on the same line. Bend your elbows, approaching the stop breast - exhale. Straightening the arms - breathe. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
10. Become, hands on his belt. Jumping on the spot: legs apart and wise. Breath freely. Repeat 20 times.
Then walk around the room, gradually slowing the pace.
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