Saturday, March 16, 2013



Flat feet

Flat feet - is the omission of a set of foot caused by the weakening of the muscles, which leads to violations, which can cause excessive pressure on the foot, changing its shape (deformation), and can eventually lead to pain.

The structure of the foot

To understand the causes of flat feet , consider the structure of the foot .
Did you know that the sole of the foot contains more nerves than even a person? Thousands of nerves - our sensors on the soles of the feet, which can feel even the smallest grain of sand lodged in the shoe.
The human foot consists of nearly 30 bones, 30 joints, 60 muscles, over 100 ligaments, and more than 200 vessels. All this comes in a very complex interconnected structure.
Foot can be divided into three parts: the front, middle and rear. The bones of the foot are arranged in such a way that forms a kind of trehstvodchatuyu foot arch. The meaning of this is that the weight is evenly distributed over the whole foot, providing a comfortable walking because arches serve as shock absorbers, springy motion.

Types of flatfoot. Longitudinal and transverse arches

Distinguish these types of flat as flat longitudinal and transverse arches . If at any "arch" is a decline caused by the weakening of the muscles, the rest of the load is transferred to the other points, which are beginning to feel pressure, it leads to deformity of the foot, and to a certain type of flatfoot.
Types of flatfoot
Transverse arches Longitudinal arches
Clearly seen in the figures, as usual healthy foot is different from foot with flat feet. A normal foot has lift, so you should not completely touching the surface when a person stands. This form, as described above, gives softness and movement of the legs even distribution of body weight. So on a print of his foot can define it well with your foot or it contains violations and to take treatment of flatfoot .
Transverse arches - this is when the forefoot sprawling, and this is one of the reasons why bending the toes. Very often the big toe deviates towards the little finger, and at its base there is "bump" (bone thickening), which delivers pain owner. In transverse flatfoot can be deformed and the other fingers.
Longitudinal flat - is the lack of internal longitudinal instep, because of this foot is completely on the inner edge, while leaning outwards. As a result of impaired function of springing foot, and it is precisely because of this function, the human body does not feel when walking aftershocks and tremors.

Causes of flat feet

Causes of flat feet may be different:
- overweight
- a genetic predisposition for flat feet,
- leg structure, see Figure,
Left - straight legs and a normal stop,
in the middle - the legs in the form of X;
right leg O-shape.
Abnormalities in the structure of the foot to cause various forms of foot deformities
- A job that requires standing for a long time
- long walking barefoot on the floor with a hard smooth surface,
- and the main reason is the wrong choice of footwear .

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