Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to increase your height. Food for growth

How to increase your height. Food for growth

Proper nutrition for growth

Proper nutrition for growth is very important, especially in the complex of measures used to increase growth in the home. Our general advice to help anyone wanting to increase their growth, the main power to organize and mode.

Recommendations on how and what to eat to grow. Food for growth.

1. Be sure to stick to a balanced diet . The word "rational" comes from the Latin word «ratio», which means: the mind, sense, reason, explanation, account, method. That is food for growth must be based on sound principles of selection of products.
2. To increase your height should be possible to vary the diet with intake of the most essential nutrients and vitamins.
3. Increase the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables up to 3 - 4 times a day. In general, it is advisable to eat a day about 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables, and always two or three species.
4. Add to your diet vitamin greens - it's parsley, dill, onion, lettuce, watercress, spinach, rhubarb, tarragon. It is especially important to food for growth and contained wild-growing herbs. It is rich in biologically active substances. This may be a nettle, and quinoa, dandelion, plantain, mint, sorrel, goutweed, willow-herb, coltsfoot. This green to collect young and can make as reserves for the winter. To do this, shoots and leaves are thoroughly washed with water and dried in the shade. If you eat raw - parboiled.
5. Growth stimulants can rightly be considered the various grains, especially rye bread and cereal. Good effect to increase the consumption growth gives wheatgrass .
6. use of melt water well to grow.
7. If you decide to grow up, your food is to grow to be rich in vitamin A. Large amounts of vitamin A is found in fish oils, eggs, liver, butter, any dairy products, carrots, in berries, especially raspberries. Best every day to drink a glass of carrot juice or grape, and the children 0.5-1 liter of milk or milk products, even better.
8. If the food is rich in salts of calcium and phosphorus, it will promote the growth of bone tissue, and thus the body in general. Many of these salts in dairy products, in particular in the curd and cheese. Cabbage is rich in calcium, phosphorus - meat, fish, beans, rye bread, calcium and phosphorus metabolism regulated by vitamin D, and it is contained in fatty sea fish, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, cream.
9. Many experts say that you need to eat a lot of protein, which is found in meat and meat products. In animal proteins do many important substances for growth, but they are difficult to digestible foods and contain a large number of different nitrogen compounds and extractives, which in large quantities is not very good for the body.
It is best for the growth of eating lean beef and it is desirable to monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are consumed per day.
recommend the following ratio:
- for children of preschool age - 1:1:3;
- schoolchildren - 1:1:4;
- for older teens and adults - 1:3:5.
10. Scientists have determined that the child's growth is directly dependent on the number of products they use that contain copper. Thus, copper plays an important role in metabolism that occurs in connective tissues (skin, cartilage and bone). With insufficient copper content in the cells of cartilage and bone is reduced and becomes slower protein metabolism, which leads to slower growth and impair bone.
Most copper containing products such as peas, meat, beef cattle, fruit and vegetables, egg yolks, milk, liver, bread, fish, and nuts. In addition, 1 liter of water contains 1 mg of copper.
11. And of course, do not forget that those who set a goal to grow, it is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. Better yet, even this not to start.

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