Saturday, March 16, 2013

Slimming Methods

Proper nutrition for weight loss and diet after diet

Weight loss method involves changing its attitude to food in general, and food intake in particular. That is to lose weight, you need to establish a proper diet for weight loss and to maintain weight after a diet. If you will acquire and will adhere to these simple rules, you lose weight for you will never return.
1. Try to eat only when truly hungry and clearly feel hungry. Strangely enough, but basically, we often eat because accustomed to filling of the stomach, and even when we are not hungry, stomach gives us a signal: "I'm hungry". How do you determine the true "hunger"? Very simple: if visualize a piece of stale rye bread and you will want to eat it, then you are quite hungry.
2. We strongly hinder weight loss diet lipogenetic presence in foods. Try to reduce the volume and content of or eliminate. This products such as flour products, including bread, all the dishes from cereals, potatoes and sweets. Obesity also leads to excess fat, sugar, salt, or a distinct lack of salt.
3. Products that do not form fat, is also desirable to use in moderation. Such as meat, fish, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetables and sweet-sour fruit.
4. Contribute to weight: the first dish grounds, in the second - a side dish, in the third - sweet. So says renowned dietician Vladimir Mirkin. Listen to his statement and draw a conclusion.
5. Be sure to limit the calorie intake by reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the normal content of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. This is the basic principle of good nutrition for dieters.
6. If you start to limit yourself to foods high in fats, you will become insufficient vitamin A and D. In this case, to prevent beriberi recommended to use vegetable oil, rich in these vitamins.
7. To reach the feeling of satiety, the diet should contain as many raw fruits and vegetables, in which a lot of fiber. Products with plant fibers cause a feeling of fullness and a full stomach.
8. Do not use spices or reduce the content of pepper, mustard, horseradish and garlic. Spices appetite.
9. Consider the following guidelines meal:
- Cook a little. The volume of food should be small, otherwise the temptation to eat everything.
- This "little" do not eat it. On the plate should leave a small amount of food.
- Increase the meal. Feeling full, ie signal the satisfaction of hunger in the brain receives only 20 minutes after you start eating. So eat slowly, with rastanovkoy, chewing food thoroughly, you can stop for a while and after 20 minutes you have and do not want to eat up everything.
10. There is another trick - before eating lace waist belt or rope. With overeating becomes crowded, and not more than the swallow. Or notice when to stop.
11. Before you go to visit, which is expected abundant feast, you can drink a cup of yogurt or kefir. Thereby somewhat muted desire to eat as much as possible. The same technique can be used when going to the store - there always have to go well fed, and there will be the temptation to buy something "tasty" and inappropriate for weight loss.
12. Try it and this way: take a picture of your favorite star superstroynoy in full growth, better half-naked, and glue it on the refrigerator door. Now each time you wish to wake up in between meals, eat something, when you look at the photo striving to meet the star shape may be more than the desire to fill the womb.
13. If you want to lose weight, do not eat on the go. The fact is that if there is slow, the engine that drives the saturation acts properly and when to obtain a sufficient quantity of food in time to the brain (see Rule 9). On the move, in a hurry, this mechanism does not work on time, and because of that you can eat a lot more than you need.
14. Increase the number of meals per day, that is, from 3 meals a day, go to seven times a day. It is estimated that eating an equal amount of food in seven receptions hudeesh two times faster than the three meals a day.2000 calories, divided into seven parts, have a very different impact than 200 calories absorbed during a thorough afternoon. The fact is that the body produces less insulin, causing the accumulation of fat is slower.
15. Try to create meals pleasant environment around. Noticed that at dinner in a restaurant person expends more calories than eating in a regular table or sideboard. It turns out it's the pleasure and exhilaration. Not necessarily every day to go to this restaurant, and you can create a pleasant home atmosphere during meals.
16. Drink more water. A glass of water before a meal (for 10 - 15 minutes) fills the stomach and helps to manage a more modest meal.

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