Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cleansing enema

Cleansing enema

Enema at home

First of all, wishing to recover the bowels to cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism. For this purpose klizmoterapiya possessing excellent therapeutic effect.
Colon cleansing with enemas is best done in five weeks.
For enema need mug Esmarch , or combination hot water bottle, or a large syringe. Various positions: lying on your left side with your knees let down to his stomach, sitting, standing, stooping, with an emphasis on his knees and his hands on his back. In the last position in the knees bent legs, a little divorce and rise. Hips close to the stomach, but the muscles are relaxed. In this position, achieved the highest content of the colon. Besides, it's more convenient to do an enema yourself.

How do enema at home

Esmarch mug can be hung or hand-held, at the request of raising and lowering. Previously out of the tube is better to release the air, waiting for the water flow, and turn off the tap.
Washed tip is introduced into the rectum and open valve or start to squeeze water out of the syringe. Sometimes the tip smeared with Vaseline, but then it will have all the time to hold. If the water does not come, you can move the tip to provide a large head, at least, see if you beat the hole.
Pain during filling should not be. Pain indicates that the intestine is stretched. In this case it is necessary to reduce the pressure and wait until the water is distributed and the pain will pass. If you do not pass, then it's time to close, even if the volume is not scheduled achieved. It is better to repeat the enema, but be patient and do not be in force.
After the enema water fills usually rectum and sigmoid colon, at best - part of the descending colon. In order to provide the best cleaning and lift the water as far as possible into the intestine, after filling the well several times to do drawing abdomen. With careful doing this exercise for one to two minutes, water can fill even a cross section of the colon.

Water for enemas. Temperature enema

The water for the enema is better to take crude to defend or boiled, temperagury room. Warm water is used only in spastic constipation. Cold water increases peristalsis, but may cause spasm.
Very effective lemon enema . Per liter of water about half the average squeeze of lemon (but can and a lemon). This solution quickly loosens compacted waste.
Sometimes using double enema . To do so, put the usual enema, and then do an enema with very hot water (a temperature that was hot hand). Filling the second intestine, 5-10 minutes lying on his stomach and then go to the toilet. After several double enemas even long soak any dry feces.
Constipated recommended nightly enemas . They do before bedtime. If the task is to normalize bowel function, to achieve regularity, the enema is better to practice at a time when it should be a chair.

Technique enema

Prepare 4 liters of boiled water at room temperature. First, make a preliminary enema with two liters of water (best to do two consecutive enemas a liter of water than an enema one to two liters) in the toilet as usual. Then made basic (cleaning) enema. For it takes two liters of boiled water with it one tablespoon of lemon juice (and better here in a row two enemas a liter than one to two liters). Instead of juice, you can use the whey from the yogurt (100 - 150 grams of whey to 1.5 liters of water). Enema or do in the morning (5 - 7:00 am), or at bedtime. After each procedure, the tip of the enema boil (wash with hot soapy water) and lubricated with oil.

The methodology of the course klizmoterapii

In the first week put an enema daily. The second - the second day. The third - in two days. The fourth - in three days. The fifth - once.
Last enema better on serum from the yogurt - it restores the gut. Of course, the transition to a healthy diet need periodic enemas reduced.

Enema. Contraindications

Enema not put in acute inflammatory diseases of the anus, bleeding hemorrhoids, tumors in stage collapse, acute colitis, gastric and intestinal bleeding.

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