Saturday, March 16, 2013

System weight loss without dieting

Healthy and easy weight loss in a fun

The proposed system of diet devised by American nutritionist Adele Pace and Mary Jones. This simple weight loss, not on the basis of violence against each other, and on pleasure. Anyone studying the stages of a healthy diet, can make for itself a unique approach to nutrition, rules and regimes.
To really become a healthy weight loss, there are some warnings:
Central to everything when to stop, and then some in an effort to lose weight too far. There is evidence that dramatic weight loss can disrupt the physiological balance of potassium and sodium in the body, potassium deficiency is especially dangerous to the heart muscle.
Especially dangerous if used for rapid weight loss drugs. For example, in women who are in pursuit of a quick weight loss by powerful diuretics (Lasix, Uregei etc.), sharply decreased estrogen secretion, and in the vaginal smear analysis showed lower estrogenic response, ovarian biopsy revealed the growth of connective tissue, sclerosal white body. Such examples are many. So it is better to lose weight gradually, slowly but surely.

Easy weight loss. The first stage

First, you need to replace some products. For example, the foods we eat and the like (but which for some reason we are harmful), replaced by those close to them, but more useful. To succeed, it is not desirable to change everything dramatically and drastically. It is important not to rush. Necessary to mitigate any replacement product. For example, if you're used to whole milk, do not go directly to skim. First, go to the 3 per cent to 2.2 per cent, and only got used to it, start to buy 1.5 percent. Greasy bacon gradually change the ham, and then to lean ham, etc. Thus the need to go on, until you can replace as many products as possible without forcing them.
Psychologists have long argued that a sharp reduction in the food intake of calories - that is offered by many diet - does not work just because your body is smarter than we imagine. Getting less calories, it begins to slow down metabolism. This is transparent to the person, but the consequences are visible: stopped losing weight, there are chills, fatigue, tiredness - the body does not have enough energy. Therefore it is not necessary to reduce the amount of food absorbed, just need to replace it more useful . For example, unhealthy fats can replace carbohydrates. The volume of supply is not changing, only its contents.

Easy weight loss. The second stage

Change harmful habits. And again - there is no "breaking through the knee", no vows of "Monday eat sweet", etc. The basic principle here - gradually. For example, you used to snack between breakfast and lunch. Gradually move the time of the "bite" for 10 - 15 minutes to as long as it does not close right up to the dinner, and he "bite" becomes meaningless.

Easy weight loss. The third stage

And, of course, encourage self-lover. What is encouraged? Food! One should not become your own judge and executioner, giving up favorite treats for life. If, for example, you have a week to follow the principles of the new power, there will be nothing wrong to treat yourself to a Sunday favorite dish.
And I repeat - it is better to lose weight gradually, slowly but surely, and have fun.

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