Saturday, March 16, 2013

Proper shoes

Proper shoes

Damage shoes

Initially shoes were invented to protect feet. But this great discovery eventually acquired additional functions, such as decorating the legs, the index status of the owner and the like. Now, most of the shoes has a negative impact on human health. Actual was a question, what is the right shoes ?
To figure out what is the harm of shoes , consider what features shoes harm feet.

Tough shoes. Harm

In the sole of the foot are the fatty tissue, the function of which is to reduce the pressure when we walk or run. These fats are found in an enclosed section, so it can not get out.
When we go, the pressure of the weight is divided evenly and harmoniously throughout the adipose tissue, as if the waves that roll from the front to the back of the foot. These "rolls" and flexible movement difficult enough when the leg stiff shoes .
Therefore, do not use the muscle and connective tissue lead to their reduction, thereby reducing the bulge of the foot and can develop flat feet .

Narrow shoes. Shoes are not in size. Harm

Foot injuries begins early, especially in children. In two thirds of schoolchildren foot problems caused in the wrong choice of footwear.
More than 80% of children wear shoes smaller than it should be.
Let's better shoes will be a little bigger, bought for growth. At this critical age it is important that the foot was a place to grow!

Damage heels, high heels

High heels , to put it mildly, not good for a woman's health, and sometimes provide frank harm.
Constant wearing of high heels is to shift the center of gravity forward. Effect - will contract the calf muscles, and impaired blood circulation in the thigh.
In addition leg under constant deformation, which may lead to changes in the arch of the foot.
Women who love high heels, usually affects the disease, known as valgus deformity of the foot .
Valgus deformity of the foot - a change in the structure of feet, where the bones of the toes deviate outward. This causes inflammation, pain, aesthetic violations. Most can be treated by surgical intervention.
Valgus deformity of the foot
Besides, wearing high heels, leads to incorrect pressure on the lumbar spine, the thinning of the intervertebral discs, which affects the spinal cord and can lead to pain.

How to choose the right shoes

Tips on how to choose the right shoes

  • Wear elegant high-heeled shoes only on solemn or festive occasions
  • To purchase a daily weekday comfortable shoes
  • During the day, making some delay to take off your shoes, relax and allow the leg to expand to its normal size.
  • Pay attention to the sole. It should be soft and flexible (if buying check for bending)
  • The best material - is the skin. Skin firm, supple when worn (assuming the shape of your foot) and provides air circulation.
  • Most likely, the age you have to buy the shoes large sizes, so that the tissue of the foot are not as strong as at a young age, so that the soles of the feet are getting bigger.


    To avoid the negative effects of footwear, it is useful to go barefoot.
    Walking barefoot stimulates muscles, sensors and nerve endings. It is very important to strengthen the soles of the feet, raise the arch of the foot. Do not forget also the beneficial effect on the legs of other stimulation - air temperature, either hot and cold water. This also leads to the strengthening of the immune system.
    Now Europe has become very fashionable to go barefoot. You can find a crowd of people promoting this beneficial effect.

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